Kenneth Ross, President and CEO
This is the season for the thoughts of all of us to turn to thanksgivings not just because of the name of the holiday, but because it was this time of the year that the founders of our Country began, after a rough beginning, to realize that they had established a new beginning and a new world. They realized that they had made it through another year with a good harvest, and they grew in confidence that everything was going to be alright. They stopped to thank God, their fellowmen, and the Native Americans who helped them to get to this security. They felt truly grateful for where they were. This is what this holiday is all about. As we enter this season, set Black Friday aside for a day or two, and take stock of your personal blessings. Take stock of the big picture: the country you live in, the security of your daily life, the food that you have, and the opportunities that are ahead of you. I would venture to guess that most of us reading this newsletter are truly blessed in the big picture and would not trade places with a huge majority of the rest of this world. Give thanks for that and perhaps give some thought to how you might be able to bless someone a little less fortunate than you. My mother and dad founded this company, and because of their hard work and the hard work of the company’s entire employee family, my family has been blessed for nearly 70 years now; and I pray that God continues to bless this entire employee family for many years to come.
- Kenneth Ross, President and CEO